International Youth Development Conference (IYDC) 2023

The Future of Digital Economy Education with AI


The recent new wave of AI tools such as ChatGPT, have taken the world by storm. As technology advances and new tools emerge, it is essential that education institutions, governments and businesses understand how to leverage and adapt to these technologies and how to contribute to ensure they are beneficial for humanity and the environment.

The 2023 International Youth Development Conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity, and Skills will bring together leading voices from the policy, academic, business, technical and civil society communities to discuss how AI affects employment, skills, productivity, and innovation, and how policymaking can respond. Alongside the implications of ChatGPT-like tools, participants will discuss on the impact of AI in the workplace and on education, whether AI is the solution to skills shortages, risk-based approaches for AI governance and much more.


  1. To present the latest developments in AI.

  2. To enhance a dialogue on what AI means for humans and what needs to be done to make AI beneficial for humanity.

  3. To provide a platform for students and youths to discuss and share ideas of what GPT is able to do.

  4. To discuss the challenges and opportunities.

  5. To discuss on the implications of AI chatbots for job automation, work and productivity.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Audiences will understand and explore on the impact of AI at workplace
  2. Audiences and speakers will share their different views and ideas from different sectors on future of AI
  3. Harnessing AI to connect people with jobs. 

IYDC Coordinators

  • Mr Chiang Jeng Fong from the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) and Ms Hee Chwen Yee from the Department of Soft Skills Competency (DSSC), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR Kampar Campus) Malaysia

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